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2023 Speech, Language and Communication Summit
- Oral Language Skills
- Language Development Process
- Understanding Neuroscience
- Use of Language
- Language of Emotions
- Playful Communication
- Transformative Communication
- Auditory Processing
- Communication Disabilities & Health Disparities
- Visual Biofeedback
- Deafness
- Brain-SET Environments
- The Inclusive Environment
- Supporting Development for Children with SEND or Autism
- Yarning Circles
- Nurturing Environments Specialist Training
- Ofsted: Language and Communication
- Music, Movement and SLC
- Makaton Ready
- Plus more!
Featuring: Sally Haughey, Alistair Bryce-Clegg , Professor Sam Wass, Dr. Lucretia Berry & Dr. Tehia Glass on, Molly Potter, Heeral Davda, Dr. Amanda Gummer, Dr. Claire Warden, Nick Dux, Dr. Inas Ismail and Omar Massoud, Helen Robinson, Dr. Joanne Cleland, Charlotte Davies, Sophie Hutton, Dr. Kate Rowley, Dr. Kathryn Murray, Lukas Ritson, Kirsty Godfrey and Sam Sleeman-Boss, Rebecca Skinner and Becky Poulter Jewson, Dr. Shelley Stravitz, Joanne Jones and Vicky Robinson, Tasha Bretton, Jennifer Ellison, and Dr. Lynn Williams.
Click here to find out more about the 2023 Speech, Language and Communication speakers and their topics
To find more info about our fabulous speakers' topics CLICK on their pictures.
Featured Speakers

Sally Haughey
Why focus on Oral Language Skills?

Alistair Bryce-Clegg
The Language Development Process

Professor Sam Wass
Proactive or Reactive?

Dr Lucretia Berry &
Dr Tehia Glass
Use of Language

Molly Potter
The Language of Emotions

Heeral Davda
Challenges of the ‘Word Gap'

Dr Amanda Gummer
Playful Communication

Dr Claire Warden
Talking & Thinking Floorbooks

Nick Dux
Transformative Communication

Dr Inas Ismail & Omar Massoud
Autsera App

Helen Robinson
Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Dr Joanne Cleland
Visual Biofeedback

Charlotte Davies
Auditory Processing

Sophie Hutton
The Inclusive Environment

Dr Kate Rowley

Dr Kathryn Murray
Brain-SET Environments

Lukas Ritson
Yarning Circles

Kirsty Godfrey & Sam Sleeman-Boss
Ofsted on Language & Communication

Rebecca Skinner & Becky Poulter Jewson
‘To be listened to is to be loved'

Dr Shelley Stravitz
The ACERS Model

Joanne Jones &
Vicky Robinson
Nurturing Environments Specialist Training

Tasha Bretten
Music, Movement & SLC

Jennifer Ellison
Makaton Ready

Dr Lynn Williams
Communication Disabilities & Health Disparities

2022 Speech, Language and Communication Summit
- Plays supporting Language Development
- Neuroscience of Language Development
- Story Telling
- The Spoken Voice
- Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
- Linguistic Diversity, Dialect and Heritage Language
- Multiagency Working to Support Speech & Language
- Language Learning with Camembear
- Links between Picture Books, Language & Literacy
- Language of Maths
- Profiles of Early Expressive Phonological Skills
- Cognitive Processing Model for Speech
- Supporting Multi-lingual Children
- Play and SLC
- Stuttering
- Selective Mutism
- Baby and Toddler Signing
Featuring: Julia Donaldson CBE, Professor Sam Wass, Ben Faulks (aka Mr Bloom), Dr Lucretia Berry, Dana Kabaila, Ms Ashley Jefferson, Dr Pam Enderby OBE, Caroline England, Dr Holly Storkel, Indigo Young, John Doleman & Fran Beard, Judith Torres, Karen Wilding, Dr Lynn Williams, Tera Sumpter, Sheona Gilmour, Georgina Durrant, Kristine Short, Lucy Nathanson, Jennifer Ellison, Tessa Weadman, Leanne Jefferson, Dr Cindy Hovington, and Emma Tunnicliffe.
Click here to find out more about the 2022 Speech, Language and Communication speakers and their topics
To find more info about our fabulous speakers' topics CLICK on their pictures.
Featured Speakers

Julia Donaldson CBE
How Plays can Support Language Development

Professor Sam Wass
The Neuroscience of Language Development

Ben Faulks (aka Mr Bloom)
Story Telling Secrets

Dr Lucretia Berry
The Hues of You: Giving Children the Language to Discuss Difference

Dana Kabaila
Restorative Practice for Early Years staff

Ms Ashley Jefferson
The Lost Art of Storytelling

Dr Pam Enderby OBE
Measuring Outcomes of Language Intervention

Caroline England
The Spoken Voice

Dr Holly Storkel
Developmental Language Disorder

Indigo Young
Linguistic Diversity, Dialect and Heritage Language

John Doleman & Fran Beard
Multiagency Working to Support Speech and Language

Judith Torres
The Links between Picture Books, Language and Literacy

Karen Wilding
The Language of Maths in the Early Years

Dr Lynn Williams
PEEPS: Profiles of Early Expressive Phonological Skills

Tera Sumpter
A Cognitive Processing Model for Speech, Language, Literacy & Executive Functioning

Sheona Gilmour
Strategies for Supporting Multi-lingual Children

Georgina Durrant
Play and Speech, Language and Communication

Kristine Short
Supporting Children who Stutter

Lucy Nathanson
Selective Mutism – Myths and Strategies

Jennifer Ellison
Baby and Toddler Signing

Tessa Weadman
Shared Book Reading

Leanne Jefferson
Learning another Language – with Camembear

Dr Cindy Hovington
Scaffolding Language during Play

Emma Tunnicliffe
Developmental Language Disorder

2021 Speech, Language and Communication Summit
- English as an Additional Language
- Verbal Dyspraxia and Childhood Apraxia
- Baby Talk and Play
- Language And The Outdoors
- How Words Shape The Way We Think
- Toddler Talk & Child-Led Interactions
- Utilising Book Diversity
- Stuttering
- Picture Exchange Communication System
- Selective mutism and Non-Verbal Meaning Making
- Developing Speech & Language Difficulties
- Supporting the emotional needs
- Family Engagement and Parent Support
- Makaton and Signing
Featuring: Josephine O. Bampoe, Nicola Lathey, Baroness Hollins, Debbie Brace, Sue Asquith, Jess Gosling, Vikesh Anand, Louise Maggs, Dr Abi Hackett, Jenny Barber, Associate Professor Nerina Scarinci, Susannah Thomson, Jane Wilson, Sejal Payne, Liz Elks, Professor J. Scott Yaruss, Dr Jayne Newbury, Suzanne Axelsson, Bryony Rust, Hannah Morris, Debbie Garvey, Kirstie Page, Dr Rose Drury, Kirsty Cunnington, Dr Lakeisha Johnson, Sherri Cawn, Lauren Bryan, Joanna Grace, Chris Wade, Rebecca Skinner and Becky Poulter Jewson.
Click here to find out more about the 2021 Speech, Language and Communication speakers and their topics
Featured Speakers

Josephine O. Bampoe
Speech and Language Therapy Development in Ghana
Session Information
Speech and Language Therapy Development in Ghana
- Speech and language therapy development in Ghana
- Overcoming barriers as a new profession
- Future plans to increase accessibility and employment

Nicola Lathey
Verbal Dyspraxia or Childhood Apraxia of Speech – a single case study
Session Information
Verbal Dyspraxia or Childhood Apraxia of Speech – a case study
- Case study on childhood apraxia of speech (DVD)
- Differentiating DVD from other speech disorders
- Strategies for practitioners to support children with speech difficulties

Baroness Hollins
Wordless books supporting language
Session Information
Wordless Books Supporting Language
- Using wordless picture books to develop communication skills
- Empowering children and adults to express emotions through visuals
- Beyond Words charity and resources for diverse audiences

Debbie Brace
Baby Talk and Play
Session Information
Baby Talk and Play
- Explores how babies communicate before words, like turning away when overstimulated.
- Discusses the importance of caregivers "receiving" and making sense of a baby's distress.
- Offers strategies like using hand shapes to connect with a child's feelings before redirecting

Sue Asquith
Language acquisition and challenges
Session Information
Language acquisition and challenges
- Provides an overview of typical language development and how to identify delays.
- Shares engaging resources and activities to promote early language skills.
- Emphasizes building practitioner knowledge, collaborating with parents, and meeting individual needs.

Jess Gosling
English as an Additional Language - Teaching Internationally
Session Information
English as an Additional Language - Teaching Internationally
- Shares her experience teaching in different countries, highlighting the benefits and challenges.
- Discusses strategies for supporting English language learners and promoting multilingualism.
- Offers insights into adapting pedagogy to diverse cultural contexts.

Vikesh Anand
Stuttering - Inspiring confidence - an adult's perspective
Session Information
Stuttering - Inspiring confidence - an adult's perspective
- Shares his personal journey growing up with a stutter and its impact on his life.
- Strategies for building confidence and self-acceptance as a person who stutters.
- Advocates for raising awareness and understanding of stuttering, including through stand-up comedy

Louise Maggs
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
Session Information
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
- Explains the theory and development of PECS for children with autism
- Outlines the six phases of PECS, from single picture exchange to commenting
- Shares tips for starting PECS, training staff, and overcoming challenges

Dr Abi Hackett
Young children's non-verbal meaning making
Session Information
Young Children's Non-Verbal Meaning Making
- Explores how young children's communication is deeply entangled with place, objects, and movement.
- Advocates for embracing diverse forms of meaning-making beyond just spoken language.
- Encourages slowing down and valuing non-obstructive practices in early years pedagogy.

Jenny Barber
Interactions and language
Session Information
Interactions And Language
- Provides insights into how children acquire language and the role of adults in this process.
- Offers practical strategies for promoting language across all areas of development.
- Discusses ways to engage with parents and support their involvement in language development.

Associate Professor Nerina Scarinci
Family Engagement
Session Information
Interactions And Language
- Identified 7 clusters representing characteristics of engaged families
- Emphasizes the importance of an open, honest relationship with families
- Provides practical strategies for building therapeutic relationships

Rebecca Skinner and Becky Poulter Jewson
Language and the outdoors
Session Information
Language And The Outdoors
- Outdoor environments promote emotional regulation, enabling deeper engagement and learning.
- Natural resources encourage imagination and richer conversations,
- enhancing language development.
Practitioners should trust children, share power, and allow freedom for quality interactions.

Susannah Thomson
Selective Mutism
Session Information
Selective Mutism
- Selective mutism is an anxiety disorder where a person struggles to speak in certain situations.
- Early intervention is crucial; practitioners can educate themselves and implement strategies.
- Support is available for adults with selective mutism to expand their comfort zones gradually.

Jane Wilson
screening, monitoring & supporting children's speech sound development
Session Information
Screening, Monitoring & Supporting Children's Speech Sound Development
- Engaging visual model to understand speech & language development holistically
- Low-pressure approach to support speech sounds through daily routines & activities
- Eco-friendly speech therapy resources promoting sustainability

Sejal Payne
English as an Additional Language
Session Information
English as an Additional Language
- Gather robust information about children's language exposure and skills from families
- Provide language-rich environments that reflect children's backgrounds and identities
- Facilitate meaningful interactions and model language in context for language acquisition

Liz Elks
Children at Risk of Developing Speech & Language Difficulties
Session Information
Children at Risk of Developing Speech & Language Difficulties
- Respond consistently to babies' cues to build intentional communication from birth
- Facilitate play experiences that develop symbolization skills for language learning
- Be a responsive interaction partner: wait, listen, comment rather than question

Professor J. Scott Yaruss
Early Childhood Stuttering - support and advice
Session Information
Early Childhood Stuttering - support and advice
- Stuttering involves disruptions in speech and feeling "stuck" while speaking
- Many young children stutter, but most recover without intervention
- Comprehensive therapy focused on communication skills is key

Dr Jayne Newbury
What parents / caregivers’ know about early child language development and why it matters.
Session Information
What Parents / Caregivers’ Know About Early Child Language Development And Why It Matters.
- Many parents understand the importance of interaction but lack specific knowledge
- TV/screen time impacts language development differently by age
- Clear, consistent messaging from professionals can improve parental knowledge

Suzanne Axelsson
How words shape the way we think
Session Information
What How Words Shape The Way We Think / Caregivers’ Know About Early Child Language Development And Why It Matters.
- Explores the importance of mindful communication and its impact on children.
- Shares strategies for slowing down, observing closely, and listening deeply.
- Advocates for an inclusive, transdisciplinary approach to early education.

Bryony Rust
Toddler Talk & Child-Led Interactions
Session Information
Toddler Talk & Child-Led Interactions
- Offers strategies for building attention skills and core vocabulary.
- Emphasizes accepting and affirming children's communication attempts.
- Provides resources for practitioners and parents on her website and courses.

Hannah Morris
Supporting the emotional needs of children with speech and language difficulties
Session Information
Supporting the emotional needs of children with speech and language difficulties
- Explores how emotions impact brain functioning and learning in children with speech/language needs.
- Provides strategies for identifying emotional needs and collaborating with families for support.
- Offers top tips like using visuals for emotional literacy and building nurturing relationships.

Debbie Garvey
The Language of Leadership