Your Summit Speaker Bios and Links

Thanks for attending the Igniting Potential Summit – I do hope you found it useful.
On this page we've gathered together all the bios and the links and resources mentioned by our speakers in their talks.

Julia DOnaldson on Plays to Support Language and Communication
Julia Donaldson’s is a bestselling author of children’s books whose many works include the modern children’s classics THE GRUFFALO, STICK MAN and ROOM ON THE BROOM (illustrated by Axel Scheffler) and the WHAT THE LADYBIRD HEARD series (illustrated by Lydia Monks). Her books have sold more than 100 million copies worldwide and won numerous major awards including the Nation’s Favourite Bedtime Story Award, the Scottish Book Trust Award, the Red House Children’s Book Award, and The Booksellers Association Books Are My Bag Readers Award. Her work has been translated into 100 languages.
Julia is also the author of songs, plays and novels, including the award-winning teen novel RUNNING ON THE CRACKS and the PRINCESS MIRROR-BELLE stories for 7–9 year olds. She is the most borrowed author from libraries in the UK.
THE SMEDS & THE SMOOS (illustrated by Axel Scheffler) was the UK’s bestselling picture book of 2020 and winner of a British Book Award 2020.
Eight of Julia Donaldson’s books have been turned into award-winning animated films shown on the BBC, and her work is widely adapted for children’s theatre in the UK and abroad. She is also famous for her theatrical performances based on her books which she has performed with music and song in the theatre, at literary festivals and other events. Julia, together with her husband Malcolm, founded their own theatre company to perform two medleys of her work at the Edinburgh Fringe and other venues.
In 2011 Julia was appointed the UK’s Children's Laureate. During her laureateship she undertook a tour of libraries from John O'Groats to Lands’ End to publicise the state of libraries in the UK.
Julia Donaldson received an MBE in 2011 for her services to literature and a CBE in 2018.
Julia and Malcolm live in the UK and divide their time between Sussex and Edinburgh.
Her latest books include:
- THE CHRISTMAS PINE (hardback), written by Julia Donaldson, illustrated by Victoria Sandøy, published by Scholastic
- A POCKETFUL OF SONGS (hardback), written by Julia Donaldson, illustrated by Axel Scheffler, published by Scholastic
- COUNTING CREATURES (paperback), written by Julia Donaldson, illustrated by Sharon King-Chai, published by Macmillan Children’s Books
- TALES FROM ACRON WOOD: MOLE’S SPECTACLES (board book), written by Julia Donaldson, illustrated by Axel Scheffler, published by Macmillan Children’s Books
You can find play versions of The Gruffalo, Room on the Broom, What the Ladybird Heard and What the Ladybird Heard Next, all published by Macmillan, here:
Plays to Read and Plays to Act at the Pearson Bug Club
Twitter: @PearsonSchools
Facebook: PearsonUnitedKingdom
Maggie Johnson On Selective Mutism
Maggie Johnson, BSc, FRCSLT, is a speech and language therapist specialising in childhood communication disorders and selective mutism. With over forty years’ experience working closely with families and staff in education and community settings, Maggie now provides training for parents and professionals across the UK and overseas.
Maggie’s work in the area of selective mutism is internationally acclaimed and her publications have been translated into several languages including Chinese, Norwegian and Polish. She particularly enjoyed collaborating with Michael Jones, Early Years Specialist and Educator, to co-author Supporting Quiet Children: Exciting ideas and activities to help ‘reluctant talkers’ become ‘confident talkers’ (2012, Lawrence Educational) and with Jun Reitman, parent coach, to produce the Selective Mutism Workbook for parents and professionals (2023, Routledge).
Maggie contributed to the UK Primary National Strategy for children with special educational needs (DfES 2005) and Communicating Phonics (The Communication Trust 2012). Her contribution to advances in clinical practice were recognised in 2014 when she was awarded a Fellowship of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists. Other publications include The Selective Mutism Resource Manual, 2nd edition (2016, Routledge), Can I Tell You About Selective Mutism? (2012, Jessica Kingsley Publishers), Helping Children Hang On To Your Every Word (2007, QEd Publications) and Active Listening for Active Learning (2009, a CourseBeetle digital resource).
Supporting quiet children to become confident talkers
The Selective Mutism Workbook for Parents and Professionals: Small Steps, Big Changes
The Selective Mutism Resource Manual: 2nd Edition for further training in selective mutism.
http://www.selectivemutism. for support and information about selective mutism.
June O'Sullivan On Language and Pedagogy
As CEO and creator of the UK's leading childcare social enterprise, June continues to break new ground in the development of LEYF's scalable social business model. She remains a tireless campaigner, looking for new ways to influence policy and make society a better place for all children and families.
June developed the LEYF Pedagogy for Social Justice and champions community-based, multi-generational early years education as the basis for greater social and cultural capital to deliver long-term social impact. She continues to advise governments as well as a range of organisations, academics and services at home and overseas about how best to implement a social enterprise vision for Early Years.
June is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Trustee of The Book Trust, and her local library, Upper Norwood Library Trust. She is currently a member of the London Mayor’s Advisory Group on Child Healthy Weight and the Mayor’s Skills Partnership Board. She is a member of many advisory boards and this year has been a business advisor for the Henley Business School Imagine If Award and chaired the Hackney Commission into Affordable Childcare. June was awarded an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in 2013 for her services to London’s children, and on the 29th September 2023 was awarded an OBE by His Majesty the King for her services to Education.
Links: – Threads of Thinking by Prof Cathy Nutbrown – Iona Opie – Purrfect Pawse
Elizabeth Jarman on Communication-Friendly Spaces
Founder of the Communication Friendly Spaces™ Approach, Elizabeth Jarman is passionate about learning environments. As an International Speaker, she focuses on the importance of making confident and informed choices about spaces for children and teachers to learn in. Sharing highly visual research, Elizabeth inspires audiences to question their own thinking and to be bold in their aspirations for learners.
Elizabeth is as comfortable talking to small focus groups and teams as she is sharing key messages with large international audiences. When you hire a speaker, you need someone who is able to make connections with the audience and their experience, enabling them to understand a research based perspective in ways that are applicable to their own contexts. As a speaker, you are there to change things, not just to maintain things and this is where Elizabeth’s core messages challenge ‘old thinking’ in ways that confidently help educators and families re-tune their ideas about learning, where and how it happens.
With powerfully illustrated, global and local messages Elizabeth speaks from the heart and influences learning as we know it. Sharing broad ranging case studies, she demonstrates the efficacy of her approach and the contextual relevance for her audience. They ‘get it’ and then they want to apply it in their context. We know that designing environments for optimal learning is a dynamic process.
Baroness Hollins on Word-free Books to Support Communication
Baroness Sheila Hollins founded and chairs the Books Beyond Words charity ( which has created more than 60 non language dependent, word free stories. As well as stories about everyday experiences, the series includes refugee, mental health, bereavement and abuse stories for children and adults of all ages. New stories have been created for COVID 19 including for children just beginning school.
She is an independent member of the House of Lords where she speaks on mental health, education and social care. She is currently Honorary Professor of Psychiatry in the Joint Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education, Kingston and St George’s; Honorary Professor of Spirituality and Health at the University of Durham; Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability at St George’s, University of London; President of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists and of the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund. Baroness Hollins has been a Consultant Psychiatrist, teacher, researcher and policy maker in intellectual disability and mental health. She is a Past President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and of the BMA.
Beyond Words website:
Lenny and Lily: word free stories to support primary school children:
Other word free stories suitable for younger children available from:
A Day at the Beach, Picture this series. Authors: Kent Book Clubs, Illustrator Lucy Bergonzi. London: Books Beyond Words.
A Family at work, HOLLINS, S., BRINE, A., BUTLER, G. Illustrator Mick Nicholson. (2018) London: Books Beyond Words.
The Drama Group, GRANT, H., HOLLIN, S., HOLLINS, N., KOPPER, L (2015) London: Beyond Words
When Mum Died, HOLLINS, S. and SIRELING, L., WEBB,B. (2004) (Third Edition) London: Books Beyond Words.
When Dad Died, HOLLINS, S. and SIRELING, L., WEBB,B. (2004) (Third, Edition London: Books Beyond Words.
Articles: Supporting pupils with wordless books / Supporting SEMH needs through wordless picture stories / Understanding, emotions and Books Beyond Words: a neuroscience perspective (parts 1 & 2):
Dr Lakeisha Johnson on Utilising diverse books in an Early Years setting
Dr Lakeisha Johnson received her doctorate in Communication Sciences and Disorders with an emphasis in literacy implications for culturally and linguistically diverse populations from Florida State University in 2012.
She is an assistant professor in the School of Communication Science and Disorders and affiliated faculty at the Florida Centre for Reading Research. Dr Johnson’s primary research interests include language, literacy, dialect, and executive function development in African American children and other at-risk populations. In addition, she also founded and runs the website Maya’s Book Nook, named for her awesome daughter, Maya.
Books discussed:
Every Little Thing: Based on the song ‘Three Little Birds' by Bob Marley
Ada Twist, Scientist by Andrea Beatty
One Day In The Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus Tree by Daniel Bernstrom
Sejal Payne on English as an Additional Language
Sejal Payne is a specialist bespoke education consultant with many years of expertise in supporting school improvement and supporting the provision of Black and Minority Ethnic Pupils, including pupils with English as an Additional Language.
Sejal has led on Targeted Interventions within the authority and is an accredited trainer for talkingpartners@primary , Talk Volunteer, Talking Maths and Boosting Reading @ primary & secondary programmes. She is an accredited trainer for the Strengthening Families & Strengthening Communities parenting programme and has co-written and delivered Empowering Parents – a targeted Milton Keynes based parenting programme.
She has recently formed a collaboration with Kim Benham to create S & S Training Partners to support practitioners working with the EYFS.
Prof Sam Wass on the Neuroscience of Language Development
Professor Sam Wass gained a first-class undergraduate degree in Experimental Psychology at Oxford University and did his PhD at the Centre for Brain Cognitive Development in London. After this, he was awarded a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship, based at the Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit at Cambridge, followed by an ESRC Future Research Leaders Fellowship at the University of East London. He was recently awarded a 5-year €1.5 million research fellowship from the European Research Council.
Sam’s research examines how concentration, stress and learning capacities develop during early childhood. His current research project examines how noisy early home environments affect concentration and mental health in children growing up in diverse socio-economic status backgrounds in East London. He is also a collaborator on projects in London, New York and Canada with clinical populations (children with Attention Deficit Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders and Rett Syndrome).
In addition, Sam is also very active in science communication. He has been heavily involved in the development, and featured as an on-screen scientist, of the multi-award-winning and internationally successful Channel 4 series The Secret Life of 4-, 5- and 6-Year-Olds.
He has fronted press campaigns for Public Health England and the Department of Education, for charities (National Trust, Save The Children) and for commercial organisations (Lego, Tescos, Dulux, Ikea, Nickelodeon, the Cartoon Network). He has appeared as an expert on early development in all TV networks, radio and all major national newspapers.
Website: and
Dr Cindy Hovington on Scaffolding Language Through Play
Dr. Cindy Hovington is the mom of 3 children and the founder of Curious Neuron, a scientifically-informed parenting resource. Cindy is also the host of the Curious Neuron Podcast, which is available on most podcast apps.
She holds a doctorate degree in neuroscience and a postdoctoral fellowship in education and translates scientific studies into applicable advice for parents.
Her parenting model focuses on nurturing ourselves first, then our children and each other as a community. You can follow Curious Neuron on Instagram or visit the website to purchase workshops & PDFs or join a research study from international research labs.
Curious Neuron Website:
Curious Neuron Podcast:
Dr Lucretia Berry on Language to Discuss Difference
Lucretia Carter Berry, PhD is the founder of Brownicity, an agency committed to making important, scholarly-informed, antiracism education accessible She is also the director of its online membership platform, which currently hosts over twelve thousand enrollments. With the tagline Many Hues, One Humanity, Brownicity’s mission is to foster education designed to inspire a culture of justice and true belonging for all.
A former college professor, Lucretia designed Brownicity’s flagship course and study guide, What LIES Between Us – Fostering First Steps Toward Racial Healing (2016) and authored Hues of You – An Activity Book for Learning About the Skin You Are In (2022). She is a Curriculum Specialist for the Community School of Davidson (NC), a contributor for (In), and a TED and Q-Ideas speaker.
She is married to Nathan; they have three daughters and two aussiedoodles.
Lucretia earned her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction and MA in English from Iowa State University, and her BA from South Carolina State University.
Lucretia finds joy in prayer, dancing, and dark-chocolate covered cashews!
Lucretia on (in)courage:
What LIES between us book on Amazon
Lucretia at TEDx Charlotte: Children will light up the world if we don't keep them in the dark
She also provides an amazing workshop opportunity, called Playshop. Find out more here:
Molly Potter on Emotional Language
Molly Potter is the author of more than thirty five published books for children, teachers, parents and carers. Her non-fiction books cover a range of topics: emotional intelligence, positive mental health, celebrating diversity, talking about death with children, also talking about the birds and the bees, creative thinking, the transition to secondary school, how to support children who engage in behaviour that challenges and out on a limb – even some books that make learning the times tables more palatable! She loves the process of writing children’s books: distilling the key issues and presenting them in a simple but straight-talking way for children. She also believes it is better to equip children with information than try to perpetually protect them from topics that some adults consider taboo or find tricky to broach with children.
Molly has worked in primary education in a variety of guises for many years: as a mainstream teacher, PSHE advisor, a teacher in a PRU and a director of Kinda Forest School. She believes in a holistic approach to education and feels the soft curriculum is much more important than all the other stuff! Currently she delivers training and talks, mostly on the topics of emotional intelligence, wellbeing and behaviour but has recently found herself saying yes to a variety of things such as delivering ‘sex education’ (RSE) to children at a festival, creating treasure hunts, telling autobiographical stories as a performance, driving a walkabout postal van (she made out of papier mâché) to deliver mail in a local performance, running an 'emotions in art' workshop and leading highly interactive speed-dating sessions!
Molly lives in Norwich and has two grown up children and a very grown-up husband who keeps her in line. In her spare time, she loves to blog, vlog, read, play fiddle, socialise, do yoga, meditate, investigate local history, craft, cycle, walk in the countryside, become fanatical about whatever her latest fad is and chat effusively with her friends!
Molly’s books:
Facebook page:
YouTube channel:
Sally Haughey on Oral Language Skills
Sally Haughey is the CEO and Founder of Fairy Dust Teaching. Fairy Dust Teaching is built on the passion for the wonder and magic of early childhood the idea that young children have the right to play, to be collaborators in learning, and to dream.
After 20 years of successfully teaching in various school settings, she has committed herself on what she loves most: Empowering and Inspiring Educators! Her focus is to provide a deeper level of service and training that help educators own their true teaching self. Sally has now worked with over 100,000 educators in her online e-courses and workshops
DR Alistair Bryce-Clegg on Language Development
After teaching in a number of schools in Manchester and Trafford Alistair became Head teacher of a three-form entry Infant school and Early Years Unit in Cheshire where he spent 10 happy years.
Since then, Alistair has become an award-winning author and Early Childhood consultant. He has worked internationally delivering training and support to educational institutions, Early Childhood professionals and parents. He was invited to advise the UK Government on Early Childhood policy and practice. He has published 25 books, delivered a TED talk, and worked on various media projects as a consultant, including being the Early Years Expert on Channel 4's BAFTA-winning series Old People's Home for 4-Year-Olds.
Most of his time is now spent working with practitioners in individual settings or as part of larger projects with various Local Authorities. He also runs conferences and delivers keynotes both nationally and internationally.
Justine and Emma from SpeechLeap on Speech & Language in Schools
Speech Leap is a dynamic, independent Speech and Language Therapy company offering a personalised service to parents and schools in Cheshire and Greater Manchester.
We have a wealth of knowledge supporting children of all ages with a range of communication difficulties. We are passionate about providing an exceptional service to ensure children reach their full potential. We believe in empowering parents and working collaboratively with schools to support children’s communication.
In their session, Emma and Justine reference the Balanced System®, a holistic framework that ensures all aspects of a child's communication needs are addressed. You can find more information here:
Vikesh Anand on Stuttering
Vikesh Anand works in Information Technology at The University of Queensland. He has grown up with a stutter all of his life and shares his experiences with anyone who will listen, with the understanding that his words may take a little more time to come out.
Building confidence in himself has allowed Vikesh to reach a level of acceptance where he is free to say what he wants to say, when he wants to say it, regardless of how the words come out. Vikesh’s passion is evident the moment he walks into a room.
Nick Dux on Transformative Communication
Nick Dux and Resilience Coaching supports teams in Education to empower the inner voice of their children through Transformative Communication. Through coaching education professionals, Nick’s approach helps reduce barriers to learning, builds Resilience and sustainably changes behaviour and outcomes for the better.
He was part of an education based Mental Health team for 14 years and has a degree in Human Communication. For over 4 years, Nick has been self-employed, working with schools to build an ethos of Resilience and problem solving as a whole school approach and supporting Head teachers to build Resilience within their team of professionals.
His book, ‘It's All Narrative’ was published in April 2022. Written for parents and Education professionals, the book details how to build Resilience in children through Transformative Communication.
Online courses available from: Click on ‘Expand All’ to see the modules
Find Nick’s book ‘It's All Narrative’ here:
Get your Speech, Language and Communication summit recordings here
With the recordings you can watch the whole summit at any time, as many times as you want. And there are over 13 hours of amazing professional development in each summit.
2023 Speech, Language & Communication Summit
23 topics – 15 hours of CPD, including:
28 speakers, including:
2022 Speech, Language & Communication Summit
24 topics – 13 hours of CPD, including:
25 speakers, including:
2021 Speech, Language & Communication Summit
30 topics – 18 hours of CPD, including:
31 speakers, including:
2020 Speech, Language & Communication Summit
23 topics – 14 hours of CPD, including:
24 speakers, including:
Or for more details of all the speakers and topics and our other amazing Early years SUmmits, just go to our Summit Online store using the button below.